

Foho Matebian

Foho Matebian
    Foho Matebian, Foho Matebian.
    Sa be wa’in liu O? Sa be toos liu O?
    Se be asuwa’in liu O? Se be tahan liu O? 
    O tahan bomba, morteiru kainaun, roket ho bazuka.
    Husi lalehan, tasi no rai.


                                                    Foho Matebian, Foho Matebian.
                                                    Iha O tutun asuwa’in sira tuba.
                                                    Iha O lolon asuwa’in sira sadere.
                                                    Hodi hamahan O oan bei-oan sira.
                                                    Hodi tahan Timor nia ukun rasik an.

Foho Matebian, Foho Matebian.
Se be brani liu O? Se be hamrik metin liu O?
Sa be maka’as liu O? Sa be aas liu O?
Sa be kro’at liu O? Sa be lulik liu O?
O maka’as liu hotu.

                                                                     Foho Matebian, Foho Matebian
                                                                     Iha O tutun ruin naklekar lemorai
                                                                     Iha O lolon ran suli lemorai
                                                                     Iha O leet matan wen turu lemorai
                                                                     Hodi harii ukun rasik an ba Timor

Foho Matebian, Foho Matebian
Iha O tutun simu loron matan nakfera
Husi O leet naroman tuda ba Timor laran tomak
Hodi leno dalan ba ukun-rasik-an
La iha haneban, la iha susu malu, la iha terus ho mate

                                            Hader simu loron matan foun!
                                            Hakat nafatin ba Oin!
                                           Tuir naroman ho lia loos!
                                           Hako’ak ita rain ho ukun rasik an!
                                           Kaer rasik ita moris ho ukun!

Foho Matebian, Foho Matebian
Se be fakar ran liu O? Se be matan wen suli liu O?
Se be terus liu O? Se be halerik liu O?
Lori terus, ran, matan wen ho mate.
Hodi sosa ukun rasik an.

                                                           Hader Matebian oan bei-oan sira!
                                                           Fo liman ba malu! Fo kabaas ba malu!
                                                           Hamutuk satan anin no udan boot!
                                                           Hakotu fahe malu! Hakotu terus ho mate!
                                                           Hodi harii ita Rain. Timor ba Timor oan tomak!

F.R. Saky

Istoria badak no Estatutu Tasi Timor

Guteriano Neves
Peskizador iha Prezidensia da Republika


Iha fulan hirak nia laran, asuntu Tasi Timor mosu no domina fali ona notisias sira iha rai laran no iha Australia. Notisia sira iha rai laran, partikularmente, foka ba Tratadu ikus liu nian mak Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea (CMATS). Dala barak, tuir hau nia observasaun, iha komprensaun ne’ebé dala ruma la los, no la kompletu kona ba prosesu ida ne’e no hamosu konfuzaun barak iha públiku. Iha tempu hanesan, mosu mos pergunta barak iha públiku kona prosesu ida ne’e. La’o Hamutuk rasik, ONG ida ne’ebé fo analiza komprensivu kona ba asuntu ida ne’e update informasaun kona ba prosesu tomak ne’ebé akontese iha tinan ida nia laran liu hosi sira nia pajina Website http://laohamutuk.org/Oil/Boundary/CMATSindex.htm.  Iha loron 10 fulan Marsu 2014, Tom Clarke husi ONG Timor Sea Justice Campaign iha Australia hakerek artigu ho titulu “Timor’s Oil” ne’ebé publika iha http://rightnow.org.au/writing-cat/article/timors-oil/ lori fo deskrisaun istóriku ida kona ba prosesu ne’e. Iha media internasional, iha ona artigu lubuk ida ne’ebé hakerek fo deskrisaun kona ba oinsa prosesu lao too agora, maibé barak liu hare hosi perspetiva Australia nian. Infelizmente, iha Timor-Leste rasik, diskusaun no komentariu sira ne’ebé iha tendensia atu hare hosi perspetiva ida deit, falta de deskrisaun klaru kona ba oinsa prosesu too agora, no tratadu hira ne’ebé asina ona nem mensiona. Iha âmbito diskusaun ida ne’e, hau hakerek artigu ida ne’e lori bolu fila fali ita nia memoria kona ba saiad mak akontese ona durante tinan 40 nia laran.

Hosi Tratadu Timor Gap to’o Tratadu CMATS: Deskrisaun Istoria ida

Koalia kona ba asuntu Tasi Timor, nu’udar essensia ida atu ita hotu tau ba konsiderasaun katak prosesu ida ne’e komplexu tanba riku soi mina no razaun geo-strategis seluk. Segundu, iha prosesu atu hetan solusaun ba Tasi Timor, iha ona tratadu lubuk ida ne’ebé mosu, komesa hosi kona ba fronteira tasi okos – Seabad Boundary – entre Australia no Indonezia to’o CMATS, entre Australia no Timor-Leste. Tanba ne’e, ita sei labele komprende CMATS ho komprensivu, se ita la komprende tratadu sira ne’ebé antes ne’e asina ona, hanesan Tratadu Timor Gap, Tratadu Tasi Timor, Akordo Unitizasaun Internasional, no CMATS no oinsa tratadu sira ne’e impaktu ba fronteira maritima entre país rua. Terseiru, atu komprende CMATS, ita presiza komprende kontextu ida ne’ebé mak CMATS asina, no nia impaktu ba kestaun Fronteira Maritima. Parte ida ne’e fornese deskrisaun badak kona ba prosesu ida ne’e, foka partikularmente ba Tratadu sira asina ona.
Dezde 1970 e tal too agora, iha ona akordu lubuk ida ne’ebé mak Indonezia, Australia no Timor-Leste asina lori regulariza no rezolve problema Tasi Timor. Em jeral, akordu sira ne’e la fo solusaun permanente ba Fronteira Maritima entre Timor-Leste no Australia. Primeiru mak iha tinan 1972, Governu Indonezia no Australia hetan Akordu kona ba Fronteira Tasi Okos – Seabed Boundary Agreement. Akordu ida ne’e bazeia ba prinsípiu Continental Shelf, ne’ebé em vigor iha tempu ne’eba. Australia rasik to’o agora, sei prefere prinsipiu ida ne’e tanba favorese liu Australia nia pozisaun. Portugal ne’ebé sai nu’udar administrador kolonial iha tempu ne’eba la hola parte iha negosiasaun ida ne’e tanba prosesu ba UNCLOS la’o hela iha tempu ne’eba. Ho nune’e, ba Portugal, diak liu hein liu internasional mak defini duke liu hosi prosesu negosiasaun. Tanba Portugal la partisipa, espasu ida iha Tasi Timor la rezolvidu. Espasu ida ne’e mak ikus mai hanaran “Timor Gap.”

The challenges of jobs market competition in Timor-Leste

Since the independent, Timor-Leste has received a lot of assistance from international communities, whether it is fund, equipment and capacity building. The international agencies; UN agencies and international agencies have been working on capacity building of human resources for the development of the nation. Billions of dollars have been pouring to the development of human resources through the difference of schemes; however the human resource is still less developed.  At the international organization, the higher positions are occupied by international people and Timorese are at lower; assistant, associate, cleaner, security guards and gardener. People at lower positions were produced globally but lack of experience so the capability is not proved yet by the organization/ employment.

This situation also happens in the government organizations. Most of the high positions in the government are dominated by the people with international certification, with several acknowledgement of informal education, with proficiency in languages and skilled in computer programs. Those are categorized as skilled people as they are capable in technical skill, personal quality and widen connection. There is not much difficult for them to compete in labour market.

 According to the Timor-Leste national statistic, the number of people who are competing in job market is increased rapidly every year, in the same time the unemployment rate is also increased. Even the government through the Secretary of State for the Vocational Training and Employment has dispatched many Timorese youth to South Korea and Australia every year but it does not reduce unemployment rate significantly. Timorese workers in Australia and South Korea are located in lower position as unskilled workers. The wages will be sent to the country; however they are no capable enough to be a manager when they return home, some case may happens but that is just relatively. It is clearly seen that the most company in Timor-Leste are managed by foreigners and Timorese are office staff with minor responsibility.

The job creation by Timorese people is still fewer compare to the foreigners in Timor-Leste, even just selling snacks in the streets, mostly occupied by foreigners; Indian, Indonesia, Vietnamese and other less development countries in ASIAN.
The major industrialization for job creation is in agriculture sector.  But unfortunately, local people still manage the agriculture production by traditional manners so the yield of the product is not well utilized. The mindset of the agriculture is “harvest for eating or yields for selling to get money”. That is it. Even the agriculture is the major industry in contribution to the job creation however people are not interested in because there is no supporting sector such as infrastructure, matchmaking market, and distribution of product after harvesting. People are mostly compete in officer affairs such as administration & finance, IT, engineering, education and training, secretary, accounting, and other positions related in offices. For these places, people is required to have enough skills and others abilities with trusted certificates in order to be selected by the employments.

Various efforts have been running by organizations and companies to build up the skills in order to have opportunity for self-employed but is still not appeared yet. The job creations by the public and private institutions are not sufficient to accommodate many people.  Higher education, skills and some other competencies are essential to master enough in order to compete in the labour markets.
By Octa S. de C.